Timberland’s “Built for the Bold” campaign shines a spotlight on both established and emerging talent, displaying the different faces of boldness and what it means to commit to inspiring a new generation. Alaura Flynn is one of the youngest beekeepers from the Bronx, who stays true to herself in all of her endeavors, whether that be in beekeeping or even her own personal style.
Alaura Flynn is a Bronx native through and through. She was very vivacious as a young girl, engaging in many different hobbies and sports. Still, it wasn’t until her dad introduced her to the nuances of bees and their processes that she gained a fascination for beekeeping. “My definition of bold would be stepping out of your comfort zone and trying new things,” she stated, and it was that boldness that led her to her passion.

Alaura first fell in love with bees because of their organized and hardworking nature — qualities that reflected her own natural disposition. Now, eight years later, Alaura and her father oversee 12 hives across New York City and is a co-founder of Boogie Down Bronx Honey.

Beekeeping in the Bronx is not your everyday practice, but Alaura has learned to march to the beat of her own drum. “My dad always told me to be me — to dare to be different. I realized when I got older that I was going to do me,” she shared. Together with each other’s determination and dedication, they created a successful business and aim to continue spreading education across the Bronx.

”People usually say that the Bronx is dirty or dangerous. I don’t think that’s fair. We’ve had our tough times but we’ve come a long way and we’ve grown as a borough,” Alaura reflected. She sees her home as not just the four walls that she occupies, but the wider community — the collaborative spirit that makes up the Bronx as a whole, which actually mimics that of a beehive.
Stay tuned to learn more about how different individuals choose to live boldly in Timberland.