tastemade jermaine stone street somm series food wine show launch release antidote brooklyn wine tasting new york city launch
tastemade jermaine stone street somm series food wine show launch release antidote brooklyn wine tasting new york city launch
Tastemade and Jermaine Stone Celebrate the Launch of ‘Street Somm’ Series With Intimate Wine Tasting

Podcast host and wine expert, Jermaine Stone, also known as the “Wolf of Wine,” found his way into the wine world serendipitously after taking a job at a wine auction house. He then created The  Original Wine and Hip Hop show, a podcast that merges his love for wine and background in hip-hop. Furthering his mission to bridge the gap between wine and hip hop, he recently kicked off a brand-new series with Tastemade titled, Street Somm, where he talks about wine, food and culture with notable chefs and food experts.   Within Street Somm, Stone dines at a variety of locations in six cultural hubs: NYC, Savannah, San Francisco, Chicago, Houston, and Miami — from Michelin star restaurant Eleven Madison Park to inventive street eats. Through these experiences, Stone brings his eclectic approach to wine across the country. For the creator, wine should be fun and approachable. His mission is to prove that there is no “right” or “wrong” way to enjoy wine and that all are welcome to be a part of the conversation. “The goal is absolutely to make wine accessible for everyday people. It’s always been about bridging cultures and helping people see one another,” Stone shared.

To celebrate the launch of the new show and to give guests a preview into what Street Somm has to offer, Tastemade and Stone hosted an intimate dinner and wine pairing with notable figures in the food, wine, and culture spaces. Hosted at Brooklyn’s Antidote, the dinner allowed attendees to fully immerse themselves into Stone’s unconventional food and wine universe. The meal included multiple courses that were carefully curated and paired with wines selected by Stone, based on his instinctual method of coupling flavors together. “When I try a new dish and then I start thinking about wine, I think about the texture first. But at the same time, there are all those different elements of flavor — spicy, salty, sweet. The most important thing I think is: what would be the most delicious combination?,” Stone expressed.

tastemade jermaine stone street somm series food wine show launch release antidote brooklyn wine tasting new york city launch

Creators and tastemakers within the space were welcomed into an inviting room with tablescapes draped in wine-colored decor and floral arrangements, while guests themselves dressed up in shades of wine to match the occasion. The menu featured authentic Chinese cuisine, including steamed tiger prawns, Sichuan chili fried chicken, sticky rice and mushroom shumai — and, of course, there were some unexpected combinations presented courtesy of Stone, such as steamed whole tilapia paired with red wine.

While invitees enjoyed a selection of Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc, Robert Mondavi Winery The Estates Oakville Fume Blanc, Blindfold Sauvignon Blanc, SALDO Zinfandel, Ruffino Riserva Ducale Oro Chianti Classico Gran Selezione, Meiomi Pinot Noir, The Prisoner Red Blend, and Unshackled Cabernet Sauvignon, Stone’s curated playlists took them on a musical journey as well. Mirroring the many places he visited during Season One of the Street Somm tour, he created three playlists that took guests on a similar journey. The Cocktail Hour playlist took listeners on a trip to NYC — where Episode One begins, the First Course playlist spanned Savannah, Chicago, and the Bay Area, and the Second Course playlist focused on Houston, a meaningful stop for Stone during his travels.

tastemade jermaine stone street somm series food wine show launch release antidote brooklyn wine tasting new york city launch

You can join in on the journey by tuning into Street Somm every Monday at 7/6c. Watch Tastemade on Samsung TV Plus, YouTube TV, or wherever you stream for free. Tastemade is also available on-demand in the Tastemade mobile and TV apps and ad-free with Tastemade+.

tastemade jermaine stone street somm series food wine show launch release antidote brooklyn wine tasting new york city launch
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