lucky brand style residency gayle singer songwriter denim styles silhouettes self love journey body positivity abcdefu taylor swift
lucky brand style residency gayle singer songwriter denim styles silhouettes self love journey body positivity abcdefu taylor swift
Style Residency: Songstress GAYLE Showcases Self-Love Through Style
The newly-appointed ambassador for Lucky Brand reflects on learning to love her figure.

Defined by her bold and brazen lyricism, singer-songwriter GAYLE’s sense of style is akin to her raw, authentic and unapologetic music. The alt-pop artist, revered for her genre-bending melodies, has been stealing the spotlight with her booming vocals, unrestrained guitar riffs and femme-meets-grunge aesthetic.

Her experimental approach to fashion is reflective of her ever-evolving identity, and empowering journey to self-expressive styling which manifests itself in her music. From mismatched prints and patterns to baggy jeans paired with boxer briefs, the “abcdefu” singer doesn’t shy away from wearing what her heart desires — nor from baring the secrets of her soul in songs. The Nashville native’s sense of style is a culmination of her Southern roots, years of trying different trends, identifying sources of inspiration, and ultimately learning to love her figure. In practicing self-acceptance and self-love when styling herself on-and-off stage, the newly-named ambassador for Lucky Brand has learned to unlock unparalleled levels of creative freedom through the art of style.

lucky brand style residency gayle singer songwriter denim styles silhouettes self love journey body positivity abcdefu taylor swift

Labeling her flair for fashion as “loud,” GAYLE’s penchant for vibrant colors and punk-inspired accessories she pairs with versatile denim pieces and ‘90s-tinged floral dresses accurately reflects that sentiment. The self-taught musician’s fondness for clothing, particularly denim jeans, is a blossoming relationship. For years, the recently turned 19-year-old refrained from purchasing jeans as a result of struggling to find the perfect pair that fit her. Oftentimes, GAYLE would thumb through racks at stores and select endless jeans to try on, only to find that they were either too short, too tight or too big. The resulting experiences ignited feelings of insecurity and anxiety in the young artist, forcing her to forgo wearing denim entirely.

Known for great-fitting jeans imbued with American heritage-inspired details, Lucky Brand’s supply of denim styles shifted GAYLE’s attitude towards reincorporating the timeless staple into her wardrobe. Prior to wearing the denim brand’s robust offering – including the Sweet Flare Jean, Vintage Loose Short, Long Textured Cardigan, Ribbed Bralette, Leather Bomber Jacket and Oushark Print Jacquard Cardigan – the rising vocalist never realized that jeans were supposed to land on her feet. Due to her tall stature, GAYLE would rarely encounter iterations that would reach past her ankles, a conundrum that the classic brand has solved for her. Going from little to no denim jeans in her closet to having a stocked supply has not only given GAYLE an ego boost, but has also altered her sartorial approach to fashion both on-and-off the stage.

lucky brand style residency gayle singer songwriter denim styles silhouettes self love journey body positivity abcdefu taylor swift

In eye-catching ensembles, inspired by different decades, and emphasized with bold beauty looks, the songstress has paved the way for a new era of female musicians, becoming the opening act for Taylor Swift’s The Eras Tour. From city-to-city, she has showcased her growing confidence and how she finds “an in-between in masculinity and femininity.” For the talented performer, what she wears on stage pushes her mind to new limits and encourages her to put on even more of a show for her fans. From her pop-rock sounds to her rock-tinged fashion sensibility, GAYLE echoes her electric personality and unique journey to loving herself fully by using music and fashion as a mode to amplify her personal experiences.

Check out the imagery above to see how GAYLE interpreted her favorite styles from Lucky Brand’s lineup and head to the brand’s official website to shop the brand’s range.

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