Bloom Twins BAEwatch Interview Fashion Music In2ruders Actor Anna Sonya DJ Singer Famous Twins London Ukraine
Bloom Twins BAEwatch Interview Fashion Music In2ruders Actor Anna Sonya DJ Singer Famous Twins London Ukraine
BAEwatch: Bloom Twins
Meet the sister-duo making waves in both fashion and music.

With nearly 100K followers on Instagram, 22-year-old sisters from Ukraine Anna and Sonya, known as the Bloom Twins, have become some of the fastest growing names in both music and fashion. The twins have made a name for themselves through their eye-catching and unique style, and through their electrifying music which has landed them impressive gigs with names like Katy Perry and, as well as tours with Duran Duran.

Now, the two sisters live in London, and they’re continuing making moves across multiple industries, having just starred in their first movie. We had the chance to catch up with Anna and Sonya to talk fashion, inspiration and everything in-between. Keep reading below for our exclusive interview.

Bloom Twins BAEwatch Interview Fashion Music In2ruders Actor Anna Sonya DJ Singer Famous Twins London Ukraine

What’s the most common misconception people have about being twins?

The most common misconception is that one of us can feel something when the other one is getting pinched, haha! In general, it’s just the whole concept of twins being the same, thinking the same things, well that does happen when we say something at the same time, but we can’t read each other’s minds. We are like black and white, ying and yang – we are fulfilling each other flaws, but we are definitely not the same.

Being sisters, what is it like working together on a professional level day-to-day? Does it ever get difficult and do you ever fight?

Our twin connection is really crazy. We do so many things together so it’s only natural for us to work together. It is great because none of us will ‘act nice and polite’ about the project we are working on. We either both love it or we don’t. It’s not always easy, but then again, nothing is.

Bloom Twins BAEwatch Interview Fashion Music In2ruders Actor Anna Sonya DJ Singer Famous Twins London Ukraine

How did you first get into music? How did you develop your sound?

We were born into a musical family, so it was only natural for us to reach for the instruments as soon as we started to walk, and repeat sounds around us before we could talk. I guess we don’t know how to NOT to be into music – and to be honest we don’t wanna know.

It took years to develop our sound and it is still developing. We are workaholics, who already in love with what we will create tomorrow cause whatever we’ve done today no longer fulfils us, as we want to do more and do better. We’ve listened to the most random stuff. Sonya loves R&B, hip hop, pop, and some electronic stuff, and I (Anna) love underground, electronic and pop music. By blending all these genres, we’ve created our own ‘dark pop’ style, which is a mix of music you wouldn’t normally be combining.
Bloom Twins BAEwatch Interview Fashion Music In2ruders Actor Anna Sonya DJ Singer Famous Twins London Ukraine

Where did your interest in fashion start? Would you say your style is similar or opposite to one another?

Fashion always felt like a great addition to music, because it helps to tell a story through clothes. As kids we were always dressing up, I (Anna) would tend to wear random black clothes that helped to ‘define’ myself at that time and Sonya would wear anything that she would find ‘unique.’ She was definitely more Fashion forward than I were. To be honest, nothing has changed that much. I still love black clothes, but now I like to mix it with other random fabrics. I also like simplicity and minimalism, whilst Sonya goes crazy with colours and shapes as long as she feels something about it. I think she would be a heck of a stylist.

You recently starred in your first movie. What was the experience like? How did it differ from your previous experiences in music and fashion?

It felt incredible but also so familiar, like a great extension to our music. In songwriting we would script a story, in a movie we would act it our and bring it to life. We still think there’s so much to explore in fashion, music and acting, and we can’t wait to do more.

Bloom Twins BAEwatch Interview Fashion Music In2ruders Actor Anna Sonya DJ Singer Famous Twins London Ukraine

How has it felt with your projects receiving so much positive feedback? What are you most excited about at the moment?

Looking back we can not believe how much we have already achieved, but nothing would have been possible without our supporters. Our greatest achievement would really be having such great fans, who we now call our family. We also got to tour around the world with iconic artists and bands like Duran Duran, Nile Rodgers, Chic and LP. And it was such an incredible honour to take part of UNICEF’s imagine campaign alongside Katy Perry,, David Guetta, Yoko Ono and more to stand for the basic human rights of every child – but the greatest of them all was to save someone’s life on Instagram.

What are you currently working on? Do you have any exciting projects in the pipeline?

At the moment we are polishing our debut EP that we promise to release very shortly! Our first movie just came out called in2ruders. Our new single “Free Fall” has also just released, so make sure to give it a listen.

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