Herbivore's Emerald Deep Moisture Glow Oil Literally Made My Face Look Magical
It’s truly a skincare grail.
Like many of us, I’ve recently become obsessed with switching up my skincare routine. As a result, over the past few months I’ve tried a whole host of serums, lotions and potions, eagerly waiting for the one magical product that would give me a natural glow better than any Instagram filter ever could.
Since cult beauty brand Herbivore recently made its full offering available in the UK, I thought it was time to properly give its products a whirl – starting with the recently released Emerald Moisture Deep Glow Oil. I was swayed partly because hemp is such a big buzzword in beauty at at the moment, and this product contains cannabis sativa hemp seed oil, and partly because of the intriguing green coloring of the formula.
As recommended on Herbivore’s website, I used it following on from the PRISM Exfoliating Glow Potion, just by applying around 4-6 drops on my face and gently massaging the product into my skin. Afterward, I used a cooling jade roller just to really help the product sink in and give my face a little workout. I did this for around a week, alternating to include PRISM only every second day, and the difference was genuinely noticeable. Each morning, my skin tone was more even, my face felt soft and hydrated and importantly, it had that healthy, sun-kissed glow you can normally only achieve in golden hour selfies.
I’m intrigued to see if the effect will continue with prolonged use, and just how good my skin could potentially get. You can shop Herbivore’s Emerald Moisture Deep Glow Oil for yourself at Space NK now and if you’re interested in more CBD skincare, check out our roundup.