What May's Full Moon Eclipse Means for You
Find out what’s in store for your zodiac sign.
The month of May brings a powerful astrological event as a full moon in Scorpio coincides with a total lunar eclipse on May 16.
The double-charged celestial moment will certainly present new challenges and opportunities for us all. Full moons are the universe’s way of pushing us to tie up any loose ends and reflect on lessons learned over the past few weeks since the new moon.
Coupled with a natural phenomenon such as a total lunar eclipse, the time is ripe for a full mind, body and soul transformation. Known for their intense emotions, a full moon in Scorpio is bound to bring up a lot of residual tensions and traumas around mid-May.
On the bright side, the water sign can also claim a strong intuition as one of its strengths, indicating la luna‘s current phase will usher in some much-needed clarity.
The total lunar eclipse in Scorpio rises on May 16 at 12:14 a.m., offering an open look at the ways in which your past is affecting your future. Let go of what is no longer serving you.
The full moon eclipse falls in your eighth of spiritual, financial and sexual matters, urging you to think deeply about your interpersonal relationships. Take a close and unflinching look at any underlying dysfunction in your social circles so that you can put any unresolved issues to bed.
This month’s potent astrological event rests in your seventh house of partnership, giving you the opportunity to reflect intently on what your soul wants and needs in order to connect with others. Act with an informed and open heart and mind. Remember, you are your first soulmate.
The full moon lights up your sixth house of health and career, encouraging you to take a sharp pair of scissors to any habits that are holding you back. It’s time to let go of what is no longer serving you and stop harping on the best to ensure a prosperous and bright future.
The celestial event of the season is activating your fifth house of pleasure. Ask yourself — how can you create more joy and play in your life without shame or embarrassment? Take up that new hobby you’ve been eyeing or use the good weather to get outside.
The lunar eclipse rests in your fourth house of all things domestic. Now is the time to focus on home and family rather than just yourself and carefully consider the dynamics of the relationships closest to you.
Brace yourself as the full moon lunar eclipse hybrid falls in your third house of communication. Putting your ever-practical mind to use, be clear and direct about your needs and wants. Make sure your voice is heard and boundaries are clear. If those around you choose not to listen, you’ll have your answer.
The full moon in Scorpio rules your second house of money so now is a great time to get your financial affairs in order. Given that Mercury will be in retrograde until June 2, it would be wise to adopt a budget.
Naturally, the moon’s phase packs an extra punch for you as it falls in your sign. Fittingly, it rests in your first house of personality, giving you a well-deserved pass to focus on becoming the best you possible. Consider this your glow-up season.
This month’s intense celestial event pays your twelfth house of subconscious a visit, tapping you on the shoulder to give your intuition some extra special attention, If your gut is pointing out someone’s red flags or your spirit is giving you signs to drop that bad habit, honor what your body is telling you while being kind to yourself.
The full moon sits in your eleventh house of friendship, giving you the push to show your chosen family some love. Find time to reconnect with your tribe or work up the courage to make plans with that cool-looking girl in your building.
The eclipse falls in your tenth house of fame and career, presenting a heightened moment in your professional life. Now may be the time to take that leap, in order to truly fulfill your deepest desires. While this may be an uncomfortable time as change always is, this tense period will breed growth.
The Scorpio full moon occupies your ninth house of spirituality, calling the dreamy and intuitive water sign to look inwards to truly identify your innermost truth. It’s in your sign’s nature to take on the emotions of those around you, but remember to return to your spiritual compass and stand firm in your beliefs. It’s okay to do what makes you happy even if it only makes sense to you.