Netflix Will Be Releasing a Documentary Exploring the Origins of Anime
Learn all about Japan’s international phenomenon.
Calling all anime fans, Netflix has just announced that it will be releasing a documentary called Enter the Anime, which will explore the origins and rise of the popular genre. The streaming platform will feature Tania Nolan, a newcomer to the anime scene, as well as insight on the unique Japanese animation style.
In addition to the series, the streaming giant will highlight its own original and licensed anime content including Castlevania, Aggretsuko, Kengan Ashura and more. Exclusive interviews will also be a part of the documentary featuring the genre’s biggest names such as Kozo Morishita (Saint Seiya), Yoko Takahashi (Neon Genesis Evangelion) and Shinji Aramaki (Fullmetal Alchemist).
Check out Enter the Anime‘s official trailer above which will premiere on Netflix starting August 5. In other anime news, did you hear about Roasted COFFEE LABORATORY’s Tokyo Ghoul-themed menu in Tokyo?