Get Ready for the 4 Mercury Retrogrades Happening in 2022
Prepare for 365 days of communication and technological disasters.
While we still have high hopes for the new year, things are not exactly looking great — 2022 will reportedly have four Mercury retrogrades.
By now, you’ve probably heard of the very scary cosmic phenomenon, whether you’re a believer in astrology or your coworker loves to use it as an excuse for always being late. Known as the planet of communication, travel and technology, Mercury rules our house of thought and words, allowing us to articulate ourselves effectively as well as understand the information we receive from others. When this planet is in retrograde, its orbit is in reverse, which can cause numerous hiccups and more extreme blunders in interpersonal relationships.
According to The Old Farmer’s Almanac, in 2022, Mercury’s first retrograde period will begin later this month on January 14 and end on February 3. The second retrograde will start on May 10 and end on June 2, with the third astrological event lasting from September 9 until October 2.
2023 will start on a bit of a sour note, as the last and final Mercury retrograde of 2022 will begin on December 29 and end on January 18, 2023.
To protect yourself from the wary effects of the retrograde, take a critical eye to all sorts of conversations during this period. As Mercury rules the house of words, it’s extremely important to double check all written forms of communication, including texts, emails, letters — anything that could lend itself to a potential misunderstanding.
Allow this usually chaotic cosmic time to inspire you to listen more carefully, and practice patience to ensure you have the best new year yet.