JORDANLUCA Remagines Michelangelo's Statues in FW22 Campaign
Using 3D art and new denim offerings.
In its Fall/Winter 2022 campaign, JORDANLUCA gives the work of Michelangelo new meaning, through 3D art.
Throughout history, Michelangelo created his own statues, such as David, The Pieta and Winged Victory with profound meaning — and JORDANLUCA is taking this iconic route by creating its “own monuments” that represent the current ”complex times and the human spirit,” the exclusive press release reads.
Historically speaking, “the statue of David by Michelangelo is part man, part amphibian creature, reminding us that humanity will only reach perfection by uniting with nature and caring for the environment. The Pieta is turned into a symbol of brotherly love, with a set of twins holding each other. The Winged Victory with a curvaceous body glide on a rock in the middle of the sea.”
Contrary to popular belief, the JORDANLUCA team points out that “history is not recorded in statues as some might have you believe.” Instead, monuments carry the values of these cities — not statues. As a result, the denim campaign, which is a “series of posters placed strategically through the streets of London, aims to answer questions like “What is beauty? What is victory? What is brotherly love? Who gets to embody those qualities in our monuments?”
Now, as folks move through the populated city of London, they’ll be faced with familiar works that question the values that lie within their own city.
To rework Michelangelo’s iconic monuments, JORDANLUCA created this campaign through the expertise of 3D artist Loyd Lye, creative director William Ndatira and graphic designer, Stefan Faehler.
To purchase items from the new denim collection, visit JORDANLUCA’s website.