The 7 Best Natural & Eco-Friendly Menstrual Care Brands
Organic tampons, pads and reusable cups that’ll help clean up your cycle.
It’s time to not only spring clean your wardrobe but also do the same for your hygiene. Menstrual care has become a hot topic due to the rise of brands pushing healthier and more holistic approaches to period management. This trend urges those who use traditional tampons and pads to think about the possibly harmful ingredients they are putting on and around their sweet spot. Some people are locked into their teenage routines but now is the time to experiment with more sustainable options that may improve your lifestyle overall. Organic tampons, cotton pads and reusable menstrual cups are just a few of the options available for those who wish to change their approach to menstrual care.
Below, find some of our favorite brands that are changing the industry for the better.
Albany Mae
Albany Mae is a London-based feminine hygiene brand that produces organic cotton tampons. Its tampons come without an applicator reducing plastic waste and the amount of space the item takes up. Shoppers don’t have to worry about chlorine, rayon, fragrances or any of the other possible harmful ingredients found in other products.
Cora is on a mission to de-stigmatize the natural period process. It abandoned the trend of pink packaging instead focusing on quality. Cora’s liners, pads and tampons are crafted from organic cotton that range in coverage from light to super plus.
Flo’s organic and cruelty-free feminine products are worth the try. Its tampons are crafted from 100-percent cotton and bamboo eliminating unnecessary ingredients. Its products come packaged in biowrappers that are sustainable and not nearly as loud as the normal offerings. Flo also offers a subscription service so you never have to think about shopping for your period needs again.
Afraid to try period panties? It’s time to let that fear go and step into the future with Rael. Alongside its range of organic cotton liners, wipes and tampons the natural brand also sells underwear that provides extra protection during your cycle.
Saalt is on a mission to improve menstrual care around the world. The Saalt cup is one of he most sustainable and cost-effective ways to manage your period without worrying about chemicals and toxins. It arrives in two sizes and colors to support a range of needs.
The vagina is a special place to the people over at Sustain. The brand produces a line of tampons, pads, liners, underwear, condoms and cups to keep all products around that area as clean as possible. Leading with sexual and reproductive health in mind, Sustain can be depended on to support you through your cycle and beyond.
The Honey Pot
The Honey Pot is innovating in the feminine health space specializing in plant-based solutions. Its cotton tampons and pads are infused with essentials oils which create a “cooling” effect aiding with cramping and other period discomfort. The Honey Pot also produces hygiene systems for normal skin, sensitive skin and pregnant women that require effective cleansers without any harsh chemicals.