Instagram Rolls out Revamped Features to Make Shopping Simpler
A necessary update.
You may remember back in September when Instagram introduced brand new shopping features via Instagram Stories. Now, the app serves up revamped updates just in time for the approaching holiday season. According to AdWeek, the updates include a new collection tab to save products, the option to shop from videos and a new shop tab on businesses’ pages.
With the new “save” feature, shoppers are able to literally tap to save products directly from Stories or from your Feed. This feature is located in the bottom right corner. You can also access your shopping collection via your profile.
Up next in the new lineup of features is shopping from videos. This addition is a part of a beta rollout with select businesses. It will eventually be extended to every company on the app by the end of the year. To use this option, simply tap the shopping icon in the bottom left corner of the video.
The last update to Instagram’s shopping revamp includes purchasing items on official business pages. When you scroll to a business profile, tap on the “Shop” button to see their products. After this step, you’ll then be able to view details such as the item name and price.