A.P.C. Expands Its "Recycling Program" Across Europe and the U.S.
Customers will be allowed to return their old clothing items for store credit.
Earlier this year, A.P.C introduced its “Recycling Program” in the U.S. after initiating it in Paris over a year ago. This week, the fashion label has announced that it will be expanding the sustainability program to Belgium, UK and Germany. According to a fixed tariff chart, customers will be allowed to return their old A.P.C. clothing items from any ready-to-wear and shoe collections for store credit valid in all A.P.C. stores in the country of return.
Founder Jean Touitou shares in a press release:
“Something made a lasting impression on me when I was a kid in Tunis. Amongst the continuous ballet of street vendors, who walked down the road pushing ahead a kind of huge wheelbarrow two of them weren’t selling anything. Instead, they were picking things up. Each of these vendors or collectors had a slogan. The one who picked up clothes would say ‘roba vecchia’ or ‘vecchia’ for short.
The one who wanted old bread would say something else, I can’t remember what, even though he was the one who intrigued me most. What could these pieces of old bread be used for? It wasn’t until much later that I understood: these leftovers added “substance” to home-cooked meals. An authentic meatball has to be prepared with old bread.
This idea of recycling things has always been somewhere at the back of my mind. At A.P.C., we explore this idea with quilts, Butlers and tote bags.
So it was only natural to invite our customers to bring their ‘roba vecchia’ back to A.P.C. These garments will get a second life and help people who don’t necessarily have the means to dress in good-quality clothes.”
In addition to the initiative, the returned products are centralized and given to a charitable association which will be sold in a network of charity shops. A.P.C’s “Recycling Program” is now available at all A.P.C. stores in the U.S. and Europe.
For more A.P.C-related news, the brand has recently opened its very own café in Paris.