H&M Group Dedicates Supply Chain to Producing Protective Equipment for Hospitals
The retail giant teams up with the European Union to provide support during coronavirus pandemic.
Following the ever-growing spread of the coronavirus, Swedish retail giant H&M is collaborating with the European Union to dedicate its massive supply chain to producing personal protective equipment for hospitals and healthcare workers. As the coronavirus pandemic grows larger and larger, hospitals across the world have struggled with lack of surgical masks and access to equipment, and H&M will be distributing the materials to countries across the EU where they are needed the most. The H&M Foundation has also helped donate $500,000 USD to the World Health Organization, to help prevent the spread.
“The Coronavirus is dramatically affecting each and every one of us, and H&M Group is, like many other organisations, trying our best to help in this extraordinary situation. We see this is as a first step in our efforts to support in any way we can. We are all in this together, and have to approach this as collectively as possible,” stated Anna Gedda, head of sustainability in the H&M Group.
Stay tuned as more information on the project is set to be updated online at H&M’s website, and make sure to do what you can to help flatten the curve by self-isolating and staying at home, if you can.