Harriet Tubman Will Be Featured on the New $20 USD Notes
President Biden’s Treasury Department is looking to speed up the process.
After only a week in office, President Biden’s Treasury Department is revisiting plans from the Obama-era initiative to add American abolitionist and activist Harriet Tubman to the country’s $20 USD notes. Originally put forward and spearheaded by then-Treasury secretary Jacob Lew in 2016, the initiative was put on hold during Trump’s administration.
“The Treasury Department is taking steps to resume efforts to put Harriet Tubman on the front of the new $20 notes. It’s important that our money reflect the history and diversity of our country,” said White House press secretary Jen Psaki, adding that Biden’s treasury is looking to speed up the process. The redesign will replace Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman on the front, and a statue of Jackson will still be featured on the back of the note.
There’s no further information to when the new $20 USD bill can be expected, but the redesign is expected to take time due to its high circulation. Take a look at the future note in the image above, and stay tuned as any more news surrounding the redesign surfaces.
President Biden’s Treasury Department aims to speed up the process of adding Harriet Tubman to the front of the $20 bill after the Trump administration halted the currency redesign, the White House press secretary said on Monday. https://t.co/FIn44Jaxzi
— The New York Times (@nytimes) January 25, 2021