2025 Album Releases To Keep On Your Radar
From Lisa to Lady Gaga and Lana del Rey, here’s your release schedule.
2024 delivered albums from Lisa of BLACKPINK, Beyoncé, Megan thee Stallion and more. As we enter 2025, musicians of all genres are releasing album announcements like weekly sneaker drops. Here’s everything you need to know.
To start, Beyoncé is releasing *something* this year – and we still have no idea what it is. According to the #Beyhive, it could span from Cowboy Carter merch to Act 3 of the Renaissance trilogy. Of the fan theories, the Houston-born icon has yet to confirm or deny any rumors.
Speaking of icons, BLACKPINK’s Lisa is debuting her solo album, Alter Ego on February 28. Lady Gaga has confirmed she’s releasing her seventh studio album this year. Unfortunately, the date has yet to be determined.
Elsewhere, celebrities with cult followings – ahem, Megan thee Stallion and Bad Bunny – have confirmed new albums releasing 2025. Thee Stallion will be releasing Act III of Megan the album and Bad Bunny released an already iconic album, DeBÍ TiRAR MáS FOTos. The news dropped alongside a new single, “Pitorro De Coco,” which was released with a new teaser video.
For R&B lovers, fans are still awaiting Summer Walker’s Finally Over It. Lastly, Burna Boy is set to drop No Sign of Weakness this year, too.
Keep reading for 2025’s buzziest releases and stay tuned for updates.
Released January 5: Bad Bunny, DeBÍ TiRAR MÁS FOTos (Rimas)
Released January 8: BSS, TELEPARTY
Released January 24: FKA Twigs, Eusexua
January 31: The Weeknd, Hurry Up Tomorrow
February 28: Tate McRae, So Close to What
February 28: Lisa, Alter Ego
March 7: Lady Gaga, Mayhem
May 21, 2025: Lana del Rey, The Right Person Will Stay
While you’re here, Bad Bunny releases a short film for his upcoming album, DeBÍ TiRAR MáS FOTos.