Biden vs. Trump Day 3: Where the 2020 Election Results Stand
All eyes on Nevada now.
UPDATE (November 5, 2020): The presidential race between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden continues into its third day, with several swing states expected to release more results shortly. Biden pushes closer to the 270 Electoral College votes needed to win, securing victories in Michigan and Wisconsin by a 50.6% and 49.6% lead, according to the Associated Press. With 71 million votes under his name, and millions yet to be counted, the former vice president has already won more votes than any presidential candidate in history.
Eyes now turn to the remaining battleground states: Arizona, Nevada, North Carolina, Georgia and Pennsylvania. Associated Press reports that Biden leads in Arizona, where votes are still being counted, including the populous Maricopa County, while Trump holds onto North Carolina, Georgia and Pennsylvania, where hundreds of thousands of absentee ballots have yet to be counted. Nevada, considered the crux to Biden’s win, is expected to release more results on Thursday night.
Watch this space for updates, and don’t miss our guide to keeping updated on the election results.
ORIGINAL STORY (November 4, 2020): We made it through election night — but as most predicted, there’s no cause for celebration just yet. The race between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden has turned into a nail-biter, one that likely won’t see a definitive winner until later this week.
According to the Associated Press, Biden currently has 238 Electoral College votes (he needs a total of 270 to win) and leads the popular vote by 2 points (more than 2 million votes). This lead is expected to grow as more absentee ballots are counted but, as we learned in 2016, winning the popular vote without the Electoral College means nothing. Biden’s electoral wins so far include: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia and Washington.
The race has yet to be called in Alaska (3 electoral votes), Nevada (6), North Carolina (15), Georgia (16), Wisconsin (10), Michigan (16) and Pennsylvania (20). The Associated Press reports that Trump holds a lead in Georgia, North Carolina and Pennsylvania and currently has a total of 213 Electoral College votes.
With our hopes for a landslide win crushed, the election will probably remain undecided until the end of the week. Pennsylvania will continue counting absentee ballots all week, and the race in Nevada is currently too close to call (49.2 percent for Biden vs. 48.6 percent for Trump). It’s unlikely North Carolina and Georgia will swing blue. If Biden can hold his lead in Nevada, as well as win Michigan and Wisconsin, his path to the White House is likely cemented.