Adwoa Aboah's Gurls Talk Launches #CopingTogether, a New Digital Campaign
Find out how you can submit your work here.
Earlier this week, Adwoa Aboah took to Instagram to announce the launch of her Gurls Talk #CopingTogether digital campaign. In the spirit of staying connected during this time of self-isolation due to the coronavirus pandemic, Aboah has invited girls from around the globe to showcase their works of art to Gurls Talk’s global community.
Aboah’s platform recognizes that art, in all its forms, is an incredible and important method of self-expression, allowing individuals to cope with and convey their inner feelings. #CopingTogether is a space where girls everywhere can openly and freely express themselves through their paintings, videos, photography, sculptures, sketches, poetry or essays. In addition to this initiative, guests like Game of Thrones‘ Emilia Clarke will be an active contributor, sharing how she is using her time in self-isolation to reflect, process and grow.
If you’re interested in participating, e-mail your submission, location, age and Instagram handle to, or tag @gurlstalk with the hashtag #copingtogether.
In related news, Bottega Veneta has launched the Bottega Residency to share creativity during self-isolation.