How to Harness the Power of the Moon's Cycle
Learn how to live by the four phases of the moon.
The subject of songs and sonnets, the moon has been at the center of humanity — and by extension, astrology — for centuries. The celestial planet has long been believed to contain mystical powers as it quite literally controls the tides and of course, served as man’s first calendar, marking the passage of time. Even more so, the moon famously symbolizes feminine energy as it is no coincidence that the planet’s cycle lasts just as long as a the period of menstruation. The moon’s full cycle lasts around 30 days, orbiting around the Earth.
Baby witches and veteran wiccans alike know all too well that living by the moon is one of the easiest and most ancient ways to align yourself with the universe. While it’s tempting to only pay attention to the new and full moon, all of la luna‘s sides bear great importance and effect several aspects of our lives.
Often representing the subconscious in astrology, the moon speaks to our more internal desires and needs. While our sun signs depict how people see us, our moon signs capture how we see ourselves, reflecting our inner truth. Understanding the planet’s different phases can deepen our understanding of ourselves.
Continue scrolling to learn about the moon’s four phases and how to harness its energy to your cosmic advantage.
New Moon
As its name would suggest, the new moon signals the beginning of the planet’s orbit as the night sky appears completely black, devoid of the moon’s light. Positioned directly in between the Earth and the Sun, the new moon is always in the same zodiac sign the sun is in. Representing a fresh start, the new moon’s energy can be used to wipe your energetic slate clean. As the moon’s face is turned away from the earth, the start of its cycle is the perfect opportunity to dive into your dark side and resolve any inner turmoil. Check out our new moon ritual guide as setting intentions can be especially powerful.
Waxing Crescent or First Quarter Moon
Adding a sliver of light to the night sky, first quarter moons or waxing crescents are the halfway point between a new and full moon. Waxing, as you might imagine, indicates the planet is approaching its full state. You can utilize this astrological middle ground to take stock of your state of affairs, reflecting on the goals you set a week ago during the new moon. The first quarter moon serves as a balancing point, giving you a chance to correct course if you’ve fallen off track.
Full Moon
The romantic planet is at its best and brightest when it’s full. The full moon is always in the opposite sign of the sun, given it rests on the opposite side of our planet in this stage. Embodying a culmination of the month’s events, the full moon naturally heightens emotions as everything comes to surface. This phase of the moon offers us a moment to marinate on how we’ve spent the last 30 days and what we can do better. Because the crater-filled planet is shining at full capacity, it also delivers the perfect occasion to harness its power to add some fuel to our manifestations.
Waning Crescent or Third Quarter Moon
Coming one week after the full moon, the waning crescent is a time of discernment as you reflect on what you’ve harvested during the full moon. While the air is still electrified by the planet’s last cycle, its shrinking size will encourage you to be more shrewd about the projects and endeavors you take on in order to bring the manifestations you mapped out to fruition.