Coca-Cola Japan Is About to Release a Limited-Edition Apple-Flavored Coke
Here’s the catch.
From the recent announcement of Coca-Cola UK’s cinnamon-flavored coke, Japan jumps on the bandwagon and has revealed its autumnal-inspired apple coke flavor. The new addition to the soda was made specifically for the upcoming holiday season for its “autumn taste” and “rich flavor of apple.”
However, two sets of the new beverage will only be available to 100 people who join an online event. Those who reside in Japan have to follow Coco-Cola Japan’s official Twitter account, @cocacolajapan, and apply by retweeting the post. After that, people are eligible to win an apple coke.
The striking red drink will be available once the event starts which is from September 16 to September 23. In case you missed it, Coca-Cola is officially launching alcoholic drinks exclusively in Japan.
この秋誕生する #秋のご褒美コカコーラ は……
【 #コカコーラアップル 】 でした🍎9/16にデビューする、世界初のフレーバーをお楽しみに❗️
イラスト by @itabamoe pic.twitter.com/WOoCZ10x7N— コカ・コーラ (@CocaColaJapan) September 5, 2019