Google Shares Black Trans Lives Matter Searches and Resources
Violence against the trans community has reached an all-time high.
Showing support for the Black transgender community, Google has released a video and webpage sharing data on searches related to the Black Trans Lives Matter movement, as well as organizations contributing to the cause.
Google’s video reminds viewers that in 2019, the American Medical Association classified violence against the transgender community in the U.S. as an epidemic. This year, murders of transgender and gender non-conforming people reached an all time high — as of July 2020, 26 individuals, mostly Black transgender women, were killed. Collaging together footage from several Black Trans Lives Matter protests, the video reveals that the terms “transphobia,” “trans healthcare” and “trans rights” are being searched more than ever. This year, “black trans lives matter” was searched 10 times more compared to 2019. To accompany is a webpage sharing several organizations supporting the transgender community including the National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network, Black Trans Advocacy Coalition and Queer and Trans People of Color Birthwerq Project.
Watch Google’s Black Trans Lives Matter video above and visit Google’s dedicated webpage to learn more about violence against the transgender community.