Do You Catch Feelings Too Quickly? An Expert Shares the Science Behind Love
Siri, play “Love on the Brain” by Rihanna.
In a recent interview with Shape, human behavior researcher Helen Fisher dives into a topic that many would have wondered about: What is the science behind love?
Scientifically, love in the brain is the act of dopamine, a natural stimulant, being produced in the ventral tegmental area. Ironically, this “little brain factory,” as Fisher likes to call it, is right next to the same as areas that process basic drives like thirst and hunger.
The human brain quite literally tries to “seek a partner, fall madly in love, and send your DNA into tomorrow,” Fisher says. There’s no actual timeline on how long love takes to form because love varies from person to person, even culture to culture.
But considering the fact that love operates the same as functions like hunger, it makes sense that people can experience intense love like love at first sight. In comparison to how quickly humans can switch from one emotion to another, it raises the question: Why did people ever question the ability to fall that quickly?
Ultimately, Fisher believes that falling in love is much easier than people think.
For example, sex notoriously drives this “factory” into high gear by stimulating the genitals. This produces both dopamine and the love hormone, oxytocin in the brain. Basically, great sex will double the chances of you catching the feels, so be mindful.
If falling in love is the goal, Fisher has advice for aiding the process. Research has found that novel experiences can increase the amount of dopamine the brain produces. This can trigger the feeling of love. So, if the goal is love, try going on a new adventure with your potential partner, or double down and add some bomb sex to the equation.