A Tinder Love Story: How This Spotify Anthem Led LEMMONS To Love and Her Debut EP
“It worked out perfectly that she sings, while I produce… it was a match waiting to happen.”
We’ve all heard of couples that found love through Tinder and for those that view it as an impossible feat, we’re here to give you hope. Tinder users Hannah Lemmons (known professionally as LEMMONS) and producer Devin Smith found each other after bonding over LEMMONS’ Spotify Anthem and as of this year, released their first collaboration: Like the Fruit EP.
It all began with “I Put A Spell On You” by Nina Simone, “who’s one of my favorite artists of all time,” LEMMONS revealed. This was actually part of her master plan, she told Hypebae.”If someone chooses to swipe right on me, I can immediately tell that they are someone who appreciates jazz, Black American history, iconic women instrumentalists — not to mention Simone’s amazing vocal ability.” And it worked. From the moment Devin expressed admiration over her anthem, “I knew we were going to have a lot in common,” she said.
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“As a musician, being able to connect with someone on that level just makes them so much more attractive to me. The first time we hung out, we talked about D’Angelo and Tevin Campbell for hours and hours.” Devin even admitted, ” When I was swiping and came across LEMMONS’ profile, I remember seeing her [Spotify Anthem] choice, breathing a sigh of relief and thinking, ‘thank goodness, someone with taste…’”
As a producer, the Spotify Anthem feature makes dating less daunting for Devin. He believes “someone’s taste in music actually reveals a lot about who they are as a person, and whether or not we might be compatible.” For the music lovers in the chat, Devin’s song was “fuego” – Channel Tres (ft. Tyler, The Creator) — but he admittedly changes it often.
If you’re on your own quest for love, keep reading for more on Devin and LEMMONS love story.
How has music enhanced your relationship?
Devin: Music is the sole reason we met and connected. We both listen to and appreciate the same artists and genres, and it worked out perfectly that LEMMONS sings, while I produce. Add that to the fact that we had the same college town in common, and it felt like we had so many synergies — it was a match waiting to happen.
LEMMONS: I feel like in a lot of ways, music is the backbone of our entire relationship. From the beginning, we connected on our love for music — we made a song together the first time we met without even planning to, it just sort of happened. It felt natural because we both love to create and align so much in terms of process and style. You know when you can sit in silence with someone and it’s still super comfortable? It’s kind of like that; I know that when I’m with Devin, he’ll start playing and I’ll start singing and everything will feel right. We just have a groove — literally.
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You are both at high levels of your careers and killing it. How do you balance career growth with love and romance?
Devin: I think it’s important to carve out time for romance and intimacy. In our fields, we keep crazy hours and schedules, and music can be very consuming mentally and emotionally, so it’s important to have that separation and curated time for love.
LEMMONS: The work/life balance is definitely an ongoing challenge, but I think it helps when you connect with someone who can appreciate and meet you where you are. I know that when Devin’s busy, it’s because he’s traveling, playing shows or creating something amazing that will further his passions, and I’m so proud to see all the ways he’s killing the game.
When we do get time to spend together, our version of “chilling” — creating music or just singing and playing together — means that any time we spend will be nourishing for our personal happiness, but is also something that we could potentially turn into another song, another project, or another step forward in our musical life. It’s truly the best of both worlds.
Do you have any advice for people looking for love on dating apps?
Devin: My advice is pretty simple — let love come to you naturally. Forced love isn’t fun love, so giving yourself time and space to develop a meaningful connection outside of initial attraction is key to creating something that will last.
LEMMONS: My biggest piece of advice is to be upfront and clear about your intentions. Be yourself, and be willing to give someone a chance. Dating can be hard, but I think it’s easier to find someone when you really listen to yourself and follow what feels right. Before Devin and I met in person, we talked on FaceTime and had a lovely time connecting virtually. It really gave me a sense of reassurance and ease that I could just be myself around him and we would still enjoy each other’s company. After having a chance to get to know him a bit, I felt super open to letting someone new in, and I was definitely rewarded — he ended up becoming my very first LA friend and the person who produced my first-ever EP, Like The Fruit! Even though it was a bit scary at the time, I’m so grateful to have put myself out there.