AITA: Hoe Unions Are Now More Important Than Ever
Can hoe unions offer community during this political climate?
Last month, an anonymous woman took to Reddit to join the Am I the Asshole (AITA) trend. Her question was: AITA for organizing a “hoe union” of girls in my college? According to her university, her union “ostracized people.” But given the current climate of the United States, efforts like these might be more important now, than ever.
The woman inquiring in the thread explains that her college organization is big on partying, which has led to several bad experiences for women. After noticing a pattern, she decided to unionize and crafted a list of guidelines, swearing to “collectively skip or leave any party” that broke the following rules:
Let in or was hosted by a person who had sexually harassed any of us or anyone else.
Didn’t let girls mix our own drinks or pick and open their own beers.
Was racist, homophobic, fatphobic or otherwise bigoted about who they let in or were respectful of at the party.
Tried to enforce a ratio of girls to guys.
If the hosts had a reputation of pushing freshmen or inexperienced drinkers to drink heavily.
The fact that this list of rules led to concerns about ostracizing people says a lot about the current climate of college parties. Sadly, disregarding women’s safety and personal agency is not only a campus issue. This campus is only drawing attention to a larger, global issue.
Where some would usually remain on the hush about this, it’s become impossible to ignore as mindsets like these have led to the overturning of women’s constitutional rights — case and point: Roe v. Wade.
In my opinion, hoe unions are brilliant — not just for sexually open women, but all women. It ensures that every environment that involves drinking and open sexuality, is a safe space. Truthfully, these should have been core requirements all along. Also, it has become clear that people with uteruses have to advocate and protect each other now, seeing as the government has failed to.
Recently, I wrote about how hookup culture was in its flop era, naming the overturning of Roe v. Wade and a lack of sexual wellness across this culture, as the reasons for returning to celibacy. Hoe unions could offer an alternate, more fun option of still having sex, but ensuring that the fun only takes place within safe spaces. That way, the risk is minimized for femmes and their sexuality doesn’t have to suffer.
If the term hoe is offputting, read this article on why calling me a whore isn’t an insult.