Tinder Releases "Healthy Dating 101" For College Students
A comprehensive guide on consent in sex and relationships.
Tinder dating app releases its in-app “Healthy Dating 101” Guide for singles.
According to Tinder’s research, only 38% of college students surveyed had received consent education. Those who were taught the importance of consent still struggled with it with 63% of students feeling “nervous about making mistakes,” the press release stated. This gap has left “over half of students reported getting their consent education from social media.”
Aiming to provide a safer experience, Tinder’s new guide teaches consent. Tapping renowned consent advocate, Mia Schachter, the guide will live in the apps Safety Center, offering expert-level tips on keeping sex and connection both safe and spicy — if that’s what you prefer.
However, to keep consent in mind, the guide will automatically be sent to users after connecting with their first match. It’s conveniently structured by relationship steps to aid students on each step of the connection.
Schachter adds, “We do ourselves a disservice when we limit consent to the sexual realm. We expect ourselves and others to be able to practice a very complex form of communication and self-awareness for the first time during sex, one of the most high stakes activities two or more people can engage in, with little to no practice,” Schachter said. “When we engage in consent in all areas of our lives, we get the practice necessary to navigate more complicated situations.”
Visit the Tinder app to dive into the “Healthy Dating 101 Guide.”
While you’re here, the world’s first digital condom just dropped.