Kirsty Godso Shows Us Her "Fast Fire Glutes" At-Home Workout Routine
No equipment needed.
With gyms and fitness centers around the world temporarily closed due to the coronavirus pandemic, many are now staying active indoors with the help of workout videos and livestreams. If you’re looking for some at-home workout ideas, look no further than Kirsty Godso‘s “Fast Fire Glutes” routine. In the video below, the certified Nike Master Trainer gives HYPEBAE a step-by-step tutorial on how to perform these movements, with no equipment required. Within minutes, this quick workout regimen will have your butt muscles and obliques burning.
Watch the video and read the instructions on how to properly execute each movement below. For more fitness inspiration, read our beginner’s guide to the five most popular yoga styles.
1. Kneeling Leg Lifts x 10
Start off in a kneeling position with your hands under your shoulders, knees under your hips and extend your left leg. Keeping your shoulders and hips square to the floor, flex your left foot and lift the heel to hip height, then tap back down to the floor with your toes staying pointed to the ground. You’ll feel the work at the base of your glute and at the top of your left hamstring.
2. Kneeling Angled Leg Lifts x 10
Stay in the same position as the first movement but angle your left toes 45 degrees to the left and repeat the same steps as the above. You’ll instantly feel the work transition to the side of your left glute.
3. Tuck to Push x 10
Staying in your kneeling position, draw your left knee back underneath your hip and stop in line with your right knee. While rounding out your spine, tuck in your chin and push your hands to the ground – you’ll feel the work in your lower abs. Afterward, push your left toes back up to the ceiling and stop when your knee is at hip height. You should be able to feel the left side working in the glute and hamstring.
4. Side Crunch to Extension x 10
Bring your right forearm to the ground. With your elbow stacked underneath your shoulder, keep your left arm straight with your palm pushing into the floor and your hips open to the left. Your left knee should drive in to touch your left elbow (or as close as you can get). Then by flexing your left foot, kick your leg back away from you while keeping your upper body still in order to work your obliques as well.
5. Modified Side Plank with Leg Lift x 10
For this move, keep your right arm under your shoulder. Turn your right knee with the leg bent behind you as you rotate around to a strong modified side plank position, along with your left arm straight up in the air stacked over your left shoulder. Extend your left leg with your toes touching the ground. Most of the work is determined by how strong your hip drop is, so be sure to find your balance before you proceed. Drop your right hip to tap the floor then lift back up. Find a short pause, then lift the top leg up and tap back down. Pause again and repeat the hip drop. You will feel most of the burn on the bottom right side of your waist and obliques, as well as your left glute as you lift your leg.