Brace Yourself for October's Intense New Moon in Scorpio
It’s only a partial eclipse of the heart.
Scorpio season starts off with a bang as the intense sign not only has a new moon coming up on October 25, but also a partial solar eclipse that undoubtedly supercharges this spooky time of year. The cosmic combination of a new moon and solar eclipse sets the stage for a slew of fresh starts. The eighth sign of the zodiac is co-ruled by Mars, the planet of action and energy, as well as Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth. This heightened energy will give you the extra gumption to dive headfirst into your goals, no matter how big they are.
The new moon is also in conjunction with Venus, which sits two degrees in Scorpio, encouraging us to embrace our vulnerable side. When situated in the moody water sign, the planet of love pushes us to take an honest look at any unresolved tensions in the most intimate parts of our lives. The new moon’s refreshing energy will have you wanting to clear the air.
Mercury, which is in Libra forms a trine to Mars, which is in Gemini, completing their connection a day after the new moon and solar eclipse, October 26. Mercury is known as the messenger planet, making it a time ripe for being vocal about your needs and desires, whether it be in your personal or professional relationships.
Keep scrolling to read your new moon and solar eclipse horoscope.
The Scorpio new moon lights up your eighth house, possibly putting you in an existential tailspin about your future. Use the blank slate the new moon is offering you to let go of anything weighing you down and lean into what makes you feel alive.
Falling in your seventh house of partnership, the new moon in Scorpio calls you to investigate what’s going wrong and what’s going right in your relationships. As an earth sign, you’re typically level-headed and sometimes, a bit stubborn. Feel inspired by the emotional Scorpio new moon to dig deep and embrace intimacy.
The solar eclipse and new moon rest in your sixth house of daily routine, reminding you to take your foot off the gas pedal at work and cultivate a better balance. While your ambitious nature is admirable, you can’t be of service to anyone if you burn yourself out.
As the zodiac’s resident care bear, your fifth house of romance and creativity takes center stage on the night of the new moon. Whether you’re showing love to yourself, as you always should, or having some sexy fun with a partner, take this as a cosmic cue to shed any guilt you feel about pleasure.
The Scorpio new moon has you looking to settle down as it takes up space in your fourth house of domesticity. Use Tuesday to clear out any clutter in your environment and bring good energy into your home.
Lying in your third house of communication, October’s new moon and third solar eclipse push you to reflect on the strength of your friendships. While it’s important to acknowledge that we do need people, holding onto relationships that no longer serve you is never a wise choice.
With your ruling planet Venus in control, the new moon’s position in your second house of income has you perfectly poised to enter a period of abundance and prosperity. Make sure that any new money-making opportunities that come your way align with your moral compass.
The new moon and solar eclipse fall in your first house of self, so look at October 25 as the chance to set some major personal intentions and goals. Think about how you want to move forward and show up for yourself over the next few months.
Sitting in your twelfth house of spirituality, the dual power of the new moon and eclipse prompts you to mirror the intense Scorpio and take an introspective approach to your new moon ritual. Carefully consider the values that guide your choices and don’t be afraid to adjust.
Falling in your 11th house of networking and friendship, the new moon compels you to look at your social circle and examine how you can be a better team player. As the goat of the zodiac, you have a tendency to do things on your own, but the new moon will help you realize it’s easier to climb mountains in a pack.
Your lofty dreams and big plans come into full view as la luna is in your tenth house of career. You’re the zodiac’s idealist and while you want things to work out perfectly, Pluto-ruled Scorpio assures you that good things can come out of destruction or change. Use the new moon to evaluate the path you’re on and how you might be able to pivot where needed.
Your ninth house of travel and higher education is in the spotlight, giving you the push to venture out on the path less charted for a new perspective. If physically traveling proves difficult, learning a new skill or hobby can also help expand your mind.