There's a Chance Tobey Maguire Could Return for a Fourth 'Spider-Man' Film
According to director Sam Raimi.
It’s possible Spider-Man fans could be seeing more of Tobey Maguire. Director Sam Raimi revealed he’s been contemplating having millennials’ favorite web-slinging superhero return for a fourth installment.
After the success of Spider-Man: No Way Home, which included Maguire, Tom Holland and Andrew Garfield working alongside each other in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, fans have been wanting to see Maguire and Garfield’s Spider-Man storylines revived. Fortunately, Raimi, who directed the 2002 Spider-Man and its sequels, is not against the idea.
“My love for the characters hasn’t diminished one iota,” Raimi recently told Rolling Stone. “It would be the same things that would stop me now that stopped me then: ‘Does Tobey want to do it? Is there an emotional arc for him? Is there a great conflict for this character? And is there a worthy villain that fits into the theme of the piece?’ There’s a lot of questions that would have to be answered. If those could be answered, then I’d love to.”
Raimi has always wanted to have a fourth movie starring Maguire, however, there were some things that got in the way back then.
“It was simply that we had a deadline and I couldn’t get the story to work on a level that I wanted it to work,” Raimi told Vulture in 2013. “I was very unhappy with Spider-Man 3, and I wanted to make Spider-Man 4 to end on a very high note, the best Spider-Man of them all. But I couldn’t get the script together in time, due to my own failings, and I said to Sony, ‘I don’t want to make a movie that is less than great, so I think we shouldn’t make this picture. Go ahead with your reboot, which you’ve been planning anyway.’”
Stay tuned for more Spider-Man-related updates.