Girl Talk With the Ladies of 'Love Is Blind' Season 2
Deepti, Natalie and Iyanna spill the tea.
If you haven’t seen the wedding episode of Netflix‘s Love Is Blind yet, break out the tissues because the final episode is filled with drama. Viewers get to watch what should be one of the most romantic moments of someone’s life be riddled with questions about sanity, self-worth and sexual attraction.
HYPEBAE spoke to Deepti Vempati, Natalie Lee and Iyanna McNeely about Season 2. Let’s just say, nothing is better than girl talk with three empowered women. Naturally, we dove right in and asked the ladies to spill every little detail of their journey in finding — and in some cases, having to reject — love.
Editor’s Note: This article contains spoilers for Love Is Blind Season 2.
Before we truly get started, I have a question for Iyanna that viewers are dying to know: Are you and Jarrette enjoying married life?
Iyanna: Yes, we are!
Oh, thank goodness. I loved seeing that you weighed all of your options and made it clear to Jarrette, “I’m literally taking a leap of faith on you — please don’t prove me wrong.”
Iyanna: Literally — no literally! [Laughs.]
What was Jarrette able to show you in this marriage that showed that your leap of faith wasn’t in vain?
Iyanna: Mainly just adjusting and allowing me to just be me — I think I required quite a few adjustments before we were married and after, I think I learned so much about him that I realized that I was also the one who needed to adjust. And then on top of that, his commitment — he’s ridiculously committed to this. And even if I falter for a second because I had a freak-out moment or I want to run or something, he’s always been so steady. And just that alone has always reassured me.
That’s beautiful. Deepti, I have a similar question for you. What was the defining moment for you when you realized you had to choose yourself over Shake‘s insecurities?
Deepti: For me, I think a couple of dates that were leading up to it, we were trying to grow our intimacy and it just felt so forced and unauthentic. And I just felt like, why are you trying to force something that doesn’t exist. And why would I want to be with someone who hasn’t once made me feel wanted or loved. I was trying to think back to “why am I trying to figure out if Shake even wants me [when it's like,] do I even want him?”… Those are the type of questions that started popping up in my head. I was like, “You know what, this relationship wasn’t meant to last.”
From my perspective, watching you choose yourself under so much pressure was the greatest example for women everywhere.
Iyanna: It was definitely empowering, for sure.
The moment when Shake’s mom checked him about his failure to see your true worth. What was it like watching that?
Deepti: [In a daze as if she’s recalling a lovely memory.] It was so epic. I had no idea that that’s what they were talking about. I knew that Shake would be expressing his concerns to her in that scene, but just the amount of support and love that they showed me while I was in their home, I knew they were good people. But to call her son out and just have my back, was just everything. It was such a beautiful moment to witness.
Have you and Shake spoken since? And if so, do you think he now understands what he truly missed out on? Because that man put on a good facade at the wedding.
Deepti: Yeah, we tried to be friends after this. But even when hanging out with the cast and him, he always had a problem with one person in the room — if not multiple. And that just doesn’t define someone who’s a good friend. It’s like, why? I would always have to constantly stick up for him — or not even stick up for him, but like, try to understand his perspective on where he was coming from. But I realized it’s not my problem anymore, and so much of the cast also doesn’t want him around. I think it’s just a better vibe without him and I wish him the best, but we have to go our separate paths.
Speaking of going on separate paths, Natalie, you talked about the example your father set and how you didn’t feel that Shayne can deliver in those ways. Do you feel like it was hard to gauge that from the pods? Was it something you could only get a feel for when you transitioned back into the real world?
Natalie: Yeah, I think it was something that I just had to see for myself quite honestly. It’s difficult to get into arguments and fights into the pods because — I mean, I know that I did get into one with Shayne — but it’s just harder when you’re not seeing the person and not really reacting to how they’re reacting. I just had to see for myself in order to make that decision.
Where do you think that comment of “you being the worst thing to happen to him” came from? Because the show did not even give a hint of him having those negative feelings. It looked like it came out of nowhere.
Natalie: That was the first time he had ever said those words to me. So it definitely came out of left field. It was tough. It was an indication to me that we hadn’t resolved any of our communication issues or any issues that we did have.
In hindsight, was the relationship truly left off with love? Were you able to reconnect the relationship or did the broken wedding end it for good?
Natalie: So after the wedding, we gave it another shot. We continued our relationship for several months, but ultimately parted ways. And right now, I’d say we’re friends. I will always hold him close to my heart based on the experiences we had together, but I think we’re better off as friends and going down our separate paths.
Do you ladies feel like the emotional bond built in the pods was enough to sustain the transition into life after the pods?
Deepti: Well, from my perspective, the emotional connection did build a good foundation but obviously it’s not enough, especially when you’re dealing with certain types of people. But I do think it does put you in a good position to grow a real relationship. And I know that was true for Iyanna and Natalie.
Are you open to dating now?
Natalie: For me, I’m really focused on myself and dating myself, but I’m definitely open to it. If it happens, it does. If it doesn’t, it doesn’t. But for now, I’m taking it day by day.
Deepti: I’m on the same boat, just focusing on myself. I’m not going on dating apps or actively looking for anybody, but if it organically or naturally happens, then that’s great.
Would you consider any other alternative styles of dating after this show?
Deepti: Yeah, look at the crazy experience we signed up for, we’re obviously open to doing things uniquely to find love, so I wouldn’t close the door on that. But I think I’d just be cautious, because it could end up in heartbreak. So it’s like, are you willing to put yourself out there in that way again and be hurt? That’s kind of the hard part, but I’m open to it.
What would you say you learned from this experience [of focusing on emotional connection]?
Iyanna: For myself, I valued vulnerability before, but I think it’s essential in a relationship. Continued vulnerability and honesty [will] help you grow as an individual or in any relationship, whether it be marriage or a friendship.
Deepti: For me, like Iyanna said, [is] being vulnerable. I tend to keep my emotions in and deal with them myself, but I think just being honest and not putting up a wall is really big. And just being emotionally vulnerable makes you so much closer to your partner.
Natalie: What I learned is that the physical aspect doesn’t matter. When it comes to finding a lifelong partner, it doesn’t matter what they look like, how they dress, what their ethnicity or race is. What really matters [is] who they are at their core, their personality, and so that’s definitely something I want to bring to how I date. Not putting a focus on the physical aspect.
Iyanna: Even before the experiment, I knew it would be perfect for me just in case um … Jarrette was ugly [Chuckles.] But no, [the physical] is not that important for me personally, but I do know it is a personal preference.
Deepti: I think physicality does play into it. For me, if I care about somebody, I think I love them that much more. So you can be average-looking and have an amazing personality, and be such a beautiful soul, and that would be an 11/10 for me.
This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity.