Astrology-Approved Tips for Dating With 8 Planets in Retrograde
Let’s be real, you’ll need it.
If your life is in limbo and you can’t seem to figure out why — blame it on the eight planets in retrograde. Sheleana Aiyana, the founder of Rising Woman, is thankfully here to help you balance the chaos currently unraveling your sex and love life.
According to Aiyana, “When planets retrograde, or appear closer to the earth and like they are going backward, they amplify the themes of those planets.” So basically, for the next few weeks, you’re on a crash course learning everything from love, communication and personal power to transformation — all while navigating unexpected changes.
Unfortunately, this also means there’s a possibility of ”patterns and people,” returning from the past. But if you’re in the loop about Mercury in retrograde already, you’ve probably witnessed this firsthand.
In the face of these conflicts, Aiyana recommends not responding from a place of ego and consulting your wise inner adult.
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Essentially, conflict is inevitable this retrograde season. Whether with an ex or a current lover, unexpected changes and transformations are in effect. Aiyana suggests being mindful of how you choose to engage in conflict. For example, are you going to send subliminal messages to everyone but the person at hand or post private conversations like the media’s favorite toxic persona, Ye? Or are you going to address the issue head-on and communicate empathetically, with love?
As Aiyana says “there are always moments in a relationship where we can make a choice.” Will you “pull away or shut down,” expecting someone to chase you? Instead of acting from your wounds, embody your wise inner adult, and avoid channeling your wounded inner child. From there, true conflict resolution and relationship building can take place.