The Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse Will Change Your Life
It’s time for a cosmic re-brand.
On Thursday, April 20, the stars will align to deliver a rush of game-changing energy as the new moon in Aries syncs up with 2023’s first solar eclipse.
If it wasn’t enough that this is the second Aries new moon, as the first one took place on March 21, the sun hasn’t eclipsed the moon in the fire sign since 2015, resulting in the perfect cosmic catalyst for manifesting a whole new you. This eclipse is also the first in a series that will last until 2025, so it’s crucial to make the most of this one as its effects will linger for 18 months.
The ram is known for its independent and courageous nature. Coupled with the clarifying charm of a new moon, the solar eclipse magnifies the celestial planet’s purifying powers, ushering in a powerful, fresh start. Eclipses spark major change, both on a personal and collective level, so brace yourself for significant shifts and disruptions all around you. Adding fuel to the fire, the solar eclipse falls at 29 degrees of Aries — the last, most intense degree, heightening the cardinal sign’s bold nature, encouraging you to take risks. It’s worth nothing that the first Aries new moon was in zero degrees of the sign, confirming the start of new karmic beginnings. Thursday evening presents an auspicious opportunity to revaluate where you might be playing small. Aries are never afraid to take up space, so allow their confident energy to inspire your new moon goals.
Continue scrolling to discover what the Aries new moon solar eclipse has in store for your zodiac sign.
It’s a good time to be an Aries as the universe is providing you with a heavy dose of self growth and good luck. Your season is ending with a bang, so think back to the first new moon in your sign back in March. Did you accomplish what you set out to? Reflect on your past actions and whether or not you’ve been keeping your promises. If you’ve checked some things off your list, but have some lingering milestones to reach, don’t fret. The upcoming new moon is in your first house of self and will give you the extra jolt you need to amplify your main character energy.
The moon is in your twelfth house of subconscious and spirituality, giving you permission to take a break from adulting for the night and dive deep into your emotional side. With Taurus season on its way, use the power of the hybrid solar eclipse to dream big and think critically about how you want to feel over the next few months. You’re a sign that values hard work for hard work’s sake, but it’s okay to put away your planner and tend to your spiritual agenda instead.
It’s time to use your gift of gab as the new moon falls in your eleventh house of networking. As an intellectually-driven and sociable sign, you thrive off of deep conversations and love being around a wide tapestry of people, learning something new everywhere you go. Since the new moon solar eclipse is in Aries, harness the fire sign’s boisterous energy and put yourself out there. Curating your social circle carefully will serve you well in the coming months as you never know when you’ll need a friend.
Your focus is on the grind — a gentle and sustainable one that is — as your tenth house of career comes into full view on Thursday evening. Are there any side hustles you’ve been procrastinating embarking on? Remember — a solar eclipse often brings a communal energetic shift, so use it as a spring board to leap head first into your dreams.
Setting out for greener pastures may be your calling as the new moon shines a light in your ninth house of adventure and travel. If your life has been feeling a bit monotonous lately, examine your everyday routine with an honest eye and incorporate habits that might shake things up a bit. If changing your daily walk isn’t enough, it might be time to take that trip out of the group chat and book a ticket.
With the moon in your eighth house of intimacy, rethinking how you approach all of your relationships will serve you well through the season. In our hustle and bustle society, it can be easy to fall into the trap of thinking that you need to do everything yourself, especially when you’re a “put your head down and get it done” type of sign. However, capturing the spirit of the Aries solar eclipse will help you to realize that relying on others and being vulnerable is not only an effective strategy, but a necessary one
The Aries new moon solar eclipse is opposite your sign, providing you with an extra jolt. With la luna in your seventh house of partnership, your love for all things romance is even stronger, thanks to the super-charged cosmos. If you’re single and in pursuit, take the time to think critically about your future significant other. While it’s important to be open-minded, you want to be clear about what you truly want in a relationship. If you’re already coupled up, don’t be afraid to roll up your sleeves and do the work to solidify and strengthen your bond. It’s important not to take certain things for granted just because you’ve been together for a long time.
The new moon is offering you a wake up call as it lights a fire in your sixth house of well-being. Four months into the new year, it’s understandable if some of the health and fitness goals you embarked on in January have fallen to the wayside. Don’t beat yourself up as it happens to the best of us. The solar eclipse is extra juice for your energetic batteries and will help you refocus your priorities on your well-being. While it’s tempting to do quick fixes with bikini season approaching, aiming for sustainable, steady success is the key.
It’s time to get your Bob Ross on as the new moon is in your fifth house of creativity and romance. If there are passion projects you’ve put on the back burner or hobbies you’ve been afraid to take up out of fear of looking stupid — do it. The Aries solar eclipse conjures up a brave and bold energy, so embrace your niche interests with arms wide open. Channel your inner child and give yourself the grace to try something new, just for fun’s sake.
Home is where the heart is and that seems to be the case for you as the new moon gets cozy in your fourth house of domesticity. While your innately ambitious nature keeps you focused on work, have you taken a moment to ask yourself if you’re happy with your personal life? On Thursday evening, ponder how you might cultivate a bit more ease and joy into surroundings and relationships.
The new moon is in your third house of communication, giving you the extra nudge you need to shake off that social anxiety and get out there. As a community-driven sign, you flourish around like-minded people, so take the opportunity to hit up that friend of a friend you’ve have an Insta crush on and ask them out for coffee — you never know where it might lead.
If you’re hoping to swim in a sea of abundance. now is the time as the Aries new moon solar eclipse is in your second house of income, turning everything you see green. Utilize the game-changing energy of the astrological landscape to give you the boost you need to set yourself up. Take the time to make a plan to clear out any debts and a budget to ensure your future financial success.