Ask a (S)expert: Can You Create a Soul Tie During Sex?
Welcome to our new series led by Gigi Fong, Hypebae’s in-house sex and dating editor.
Welcome to your new safe space and Hypebae’s first-ever sex and dating column, Ask a (S)expert. This new weekly series is led by Haitian-Chinese and LA-based sexpert Gigi Fong, our in-house sex and dating editor.
Gigi is a former sex worker, boudoir artist and podcaster now hosting safe spaces for the Hypebae community. She specializes in all things sex-positive from unconventional dating to sexual pleasure for lovers of all identities.
To have your questions answered, visit our dropbox below and anonymously send your intimate inquiries from dating advice to sex tips and Gigi will give you the expert tea ♡
“Can you create a soul tie during sex?”
Oof, a layered question. First, let’s dive into what soul ties are.
What are soul ties?
Soul ties are deep, intense soul connections you share with another. Similar to those who report having a twin flame, the connection may feel familiar, life changing and as if they complete you.
The catch-22 of soul ties:
However, soul ties are tricky because it’s rooted in your personal, spiritual beliefs. Some people are religious and believe that they should abstain or save themselves until marriage. Soul ties follow the same sentiment.
But, from a (s)expert perspective, soul ties often veer into sex-negative territory. For example, shaming an individual for choosing to have sex out of fear that she may tie her soul to another individual.
Sex is personal and intimate, so you can set an intention and give it your own meaning. Do you believe that sex must be tied to spirituality or religion? Or is sex simply a physical release that provides you with great pleasure?
It’s all about figuring out what sex and pleasure mean to you.
Check out last week’s (S)expert article on how to unlearn shame as a sex-positive femme.