How to Anal Train Using Ohnut's Butt Stuff Bundle, According to a Pro
“Because sex shouldn’t be a pain in the ass.”
Ohnut recently launched its Butt Stuff Bundle in collaboration with b-Vibe, the gurus of anal sex. Thankfully, the sex-positive CEO of b-Vibe, Alicia Sinclair, is here with all the tea to guide you on anal training with your new kit.
Anal training, the process of preparing yourself to receive during anal sex, varies depending on comfort level and consistency. “Going from zero to penetration with a dildo or penis can take a few weeks or a few months,” shared Sinclair. Because of this, it can be intimidating to explore this form of pleasure. Ohnut’s Butt Stuff Bundle is perfect for beginners and comes strapped with Ohnut Buffer Rings that customize penetration while training.
The kit also features lube, a lubricant applicator, an enema for cleaning your anus beforehand and three different sizes of butt plugs.
“While b-Vibe’s Anal Training Kit is a great place to start exploring on your own, Ohnut can help folks feel comfortable during anal sex with a penis, dildo, or other fallace. Together these tools should give anal newbies all of the confidence they need to start exploring on their own or with a partner.” Sinclair also suggests doing an enema beforehand to avoid bringing fecal matter into the mix. If you’ve never done an enema before, read this article on prepping for anal play.
Here’s everything you need to know about anal training, from a pro.
What’s the best rule of thumb for this new chapter of sexual exploration?
Think KISS: “Keep It Slow and Slippery.” Really, truly, use lots of lube and reapply if anything starts to feel stingy. Take your time and try not to get overly goal-oriented.
What should you do before actually inserting the training plugs?
Start with foreplay. You want to be sexually aroused before inserting a plug. If you like a vibrator on your clit, for example, start there. Also, use lots of lube. Put the lube on the plug and in and around your butthole.
What makes the lubricant applicator special?
It allows users to put lubricant inside the anal canal, making the anal experience much juicer and more enjoyable. Because the anus is not self-lubricating, it’s very important to use lots of lube. Without lube, anal play can feel like a rug burn.
Is there a recommended amount of time people should wait when transitioning from one butt plug size to another? What’s a clear sign they’re ready to move on to the next size?
I would recommend at least a week between plugs if you are using them regularly during the week. Think about sizing up just like using weights at the gym. If you work out three times a week, you’ll be ready for a heavier weight the next week. If you just went to the gym only on Monday, chances are you will still be using that same weight the following week.
A clear sign that you’re ready to move to the next size is when the plug can be both inserted and removed comfortably and you enjoy the feeling of fullness without any pain or discomfort.
Are there any other tips we haven’t discussed that are important to know?
Before you start anal play, lay down a dark towel, place baby wipes in a handy spot have the lube open and ready — and maybe even have a tupperware storage box nearby to put the used toy(s) in when you’re done.
People often forget that they can use all their favorite sex toys in addition to anal play. I always suggest combining front-stuff toys. That’s one of the things that makes it so great. If you like a penis ring, a vibrator, or a suction toy, use that too.
This interview has been condensed for clarity.